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Adding Sheets With Sequential Names

I need to write a macro that adds a new sheet when executed. The sheet name will be "Combined-n" where n is an integer. I want it to try add a new sheet named "Combined-1". However, if the sheet "Combined-1" already exists (since this macro can be executed multiple times), I want it to add a sheet called "Combined-2" and so on. I tried a few different things including the code below, but when I execute it nothing happens.

Dim i As Integer
Dim WS As Worksheet

For Each WS In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
For i = 1 To Worksheets.Count
If WS.Name = "Combined-" & i Then
Sheets.Add(Before:=Sheets("Sheet1")).Name = "Combined-" & i + 1
End If
Next i
Next WS

I also tried:

Dim i As Integer

For i = 1 To Worksheets.Count
   If Worksheets(i).Name = "Combined-" & i Then
   Sheets.Add(Before:=Sheets("Sheet1")).Name = "Combined-" & i + 1
End If
Next i


  • Write a function whose only job is to return the name of the next "Combined-N" sheet. I'd do this by counting the number of sheets that have a name that starts with "Combined-", and adding 1 to that number, and then incrementing until "Combined-" concatenated with that number is a sheet name that doesn't already exist.

    So, I'd have a GetNextCombinedSheetName function to do this, and a SheetNameExists function to determine whether a given sheet name exists in an optionally-specified Workbook's Worksheets collection.

    Something like this:

    Public Function GetNextCombinedSheetName() As String
        Const namePrefix As String = "Combined-"
        Dim currentcount As Long
        Dim ws As Worksheet
        For Each ws In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
            If Left(ws.Name, Len(namePrefix)) = namePrefix Then
                currentCount = currentCount + 1
            End If
        Dim nextName As String
        Do 'ensure the name doesn't already exist - increment if it does:
            nextName = namePrefix & currentCount + 1
        Loop While SheetNameExists(nextName)
        GetNextCombinedSheetName = nextName
    End Function
    Private Function SheetNameExists(ByVal sheetName As String, Optional ByVal wb As Workbook = Nothing) As Boolean
        If wb Is Nothing Then Set wb = ThisWorkbook
        Dim ws As Worksheet
        On Error Resume Next ' swallow index out of bounds error 9
        Set ws = wb.Worksheets(sheetName)
        On Error GoTo 0
        SheetNameExists = Not ws Is Nothing
    End Function

    With that, you can add a new sheet and just name it:

    Dim newSheet As Worksheet
    Set newSheet = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets.Add
    newSheet.Name = GetNextCombinedSheetName

    Note how every Worksheets member call (or Sheets - but why are you using the two interchangeably and inconsistently?) is properly qualified with a Workbook object: your code appears to have several implicit ActiveWorkbook references, and this only works because the ActiveWorkbook happens to be the host ThisWorkbook document - it may not always be the case (especially as you learn to stop Activate-ing and Select-ing things), and you don't want your code to assume it is: life is much simpler when we systematically qualify workbook and worksheet member calls.