I'm creating a small program that saves a int value into a text file, saves it, and loads it when you start the program again. Now, I need 3 more booleans to be stored in the text file, I am writing things in the file with
public Formatter x;
x.format("%s", "" + m.getPoints() + "\n");
Whenever I want to go to a new line in my text file, with \n, it wont go to a new line, it will just write it directly behind the int value. I tried doing both
x.format("%s", "" + m.getPoints() + "\n");
x.format("%s", "" + m.getStoreItem1Bought() + "\n");
x.format("%s%s", "" + m.getPoints() + "\n", "" + m.getBought() + "\n");
but, both will just write the boolean directly behind the int value, without starting a new line. Any help on this?
I am using Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bits, and my text editor is Eclipse, I am running all of the code with Eclipse too.
More specifically, I would recommend using:
x.format("%d%n%s%n", m.getPoints(), m.getStoreItem1Bought());