I have this form that is almost ready. Now I only have to make a modal window with content and it should pop open with click on a button which is inside of a child component. Modal, on the other hand, is a part of a parent component. I need to communicate them with each other in order to inform the parent, that the button was clicked and that now it's time to open a modal.
I emit a boolean event, which is equal to the state of a clicked button, but I don't get any reaction from the parent, although I have a property bindable from outside (@Input()
How can I achieve such a task? Where am I mistaken?
Child component method
onReset() {
this.formResetClicked = !this.formResetClicked;
this.formReseted.emit(this.formResetClicked); }
Parent's HTML
<div class="container">
<div class="wrapper">
<div class="slider">
<app-form-slider class="slider-app"></app-form-slider>
<div class="form" (formReseted)="clickedState = $event">
<div class="modal" [ngStyle]="{display: clickedState ? 'block' : 'none'}">
<div class="modal__content">
<div class="modal__content--header">
<div class="modal__content--text">
<p>If you click 'continue' the all information will be deleted. <br>Close this window if you don't want this to happen.</p>
<div class="modal__content--button">
Property of a parrent
export class AppComponent {
title = 'AwesomeFormTask';
@Input() clickedState: boolean;
Do not need to use @Input()
You can call child component to parent component using @Output()
and EventEmitter
as follows.
@Output() formReseted = new EventEmitter<boolean>();
formResetClicked: boolean = false;
onReset() {
this.formResetClicked = !this.formResetClicked;
Listen to formReseted
from the parent as follows.
<child (formReseted)="testShowHide($event)"></child>
<p *ngIf="show">Showing the Modal</p>
show: boolean = false;
testShowHide(show) {
this.show = show;