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scala, spring, and scalate

I have a web project written in scala, spring, sitemesh, and jspx/jstl. The problem is with the jspx. I keep running into issues where it wants the types to be java collection types and so I have to keep converting between scala/java collections. And sometimes I forget, and my view blows up, etc.

I'm wondering if there's a blog post out there somewhere that describes how/what's involved to migrate from jsp/jstl/jspx to scalate? Because otherwise it just seems a bit overwhelming to switch, no matter now annoying I think jspx is.


  • Ok so I took the plunge and just tried to see how this whole thing works. It turns out to be fairly easy. Here's the steps for anyone interested:

    Maven pom dependencies:

        <!-- scalate templating engine -->


    <bean id="viewNameTranslator" class="org.springframework.web.servlet.view.DefaultRequestToViewNameTranslator"/>
    <bean id="scalateViewResolver" class="org.fusesource.scalate.spring.view.ScalateViewResolver"
        p:order="1" p:prefix="/WEB-INF/view/" p:suffix=".scaml" />
    <bean id="viewResolver" class="org.springframework.web.servlet.view.InternalResourceViewResolver"
         p:order="2" p:viewClass="org.springframework.web.servlet.view.JstlView" p:prefix="/WEB-INF/view/" p:suffix=".jspx" />

    Then I renamed some jspx and started translating code. To get access to model objects I do this at the top of my scaml file:

    -@ var x:String
    -@ var y:List[]

    Then I just followed the scaml docs. Super easy. The only thing that was awkward was trying to put inline complained about indentation or something. So I moved that out to a separate file.

    Didn't have to remove sitemesh at all (but I can in the future whenever I'm ready), and I can migrate jspx files at my leisure. Couldn't be easier.