I have the following code:
var search = new TransactionSearchAdvanced();
search.savedSearchId = "680";
SearchResult searchResult = Client.Service.search(search);
var resultList = searchResult.searchRowList;
var castList = resultList.Cast<TransactionSearchRow>();
Everytime I call this method I get 0 search results returned. If I view the saved search in NetSuite itself I have over 1000 results.
I am running a similar search on customers that is 100% working.
public static List<Account> GetCustomerList()
var search = new CustomerSearchAdvanced();
search.savedSearchId = "678";
SearchResult searchResult = Client.Service.search(search);
var resultList = searchResult.searchRowList;
var castList = resultList.Cast<CustomerSearchRow>();
var accountList = new List<Account>();
foreach (var resultRow in castList)
var basic = resultRow.basic;
var account = new Account();
account.NsAccountId = basic.entityId?.FirstOrDefault()?.searchValue;
account.Name = basic.companyName?.FirstOrDefault()?.searchValue;
account.EmailAddress1 = basic.email?.FirstOrDefault()?.searchValue;
account.Address = basic.address?.FirstOrDefault()?.searchValue;
account.BillingAddress = basic.billAddress?.FirstOrDefault()?.searchValue;
account.Telephone1 = basic.phone?.FirstOrDefault()?.searchValue;
account.BillingPhone = basic.billPhone?.FirstOrDefault()?.searchValue;
account.Fax = basic.fax?.FirstOrDefault()?.searchValue;
account.WebAddress = basic.url?.FirstOrDefault()?.searchValue;
return accountList;
I have tried adding the the role to view transactions. I am totally unfamiliar with netsuite itself and have no idea what it could be since all the settings on my 2 searches are identical.
The SearchResult
objects are actually different:
looking into this now
In the saved search interface of NetSuite there is a field that needs to be chacked "Run Unrestricted" this is what solved it for me.