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Select id from JSON

I'm currently designing an app to display some attributes of products I have in a pricelist which is stored in a Google Sheets spreadsheet and I want it to get that data and show it

I have a google script which extracts all the data from the spreadsheet and returns a JSON. It's published as a web app and stored in a non visible component "Web1"

Google Script result

What I don't know how to do is to work with that JSON and select a particular row based on an ID that I get from a barcode scanner

App interface

I want it to work like this:

  • Get a result from the barcode reader
  • Display the result from the barcode scan in a textbox "Código de barras"
  • Use that result to filter from a JSON which is extracted from the spreadsheet
  • Display the JSON attribute "name" in the textbox "Producto"

I currently have this:

App blocks


  • The web component works asynchronously, which means, first send the Get request and after having received the response in the GotText event, then do the further processing.

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