Is it possible to create a control like this using HTML5 or Javascript
? I found the following link where they create something like a graph using just CSS
$trans: transparent;
$block: #00004f;
$line: #19465b;
$gridSize: 60px;
$subdivisions: 1;
$lineAlpha: .1;
$sublineAlpha: 1;
$gridHeight : 120px;
body {
background-color: $block;
linear-gradient(rgba($line,$sublineAlpha) 1px, $trans 1px), /*sub horiz*/
linear-gradient($line 1px, $trans 1px), /*main horiz*/
linear-gradient(90deg, rgba($line,$sublineAlpha) 1px, $trans 1px), /*sub vert*/
linear-gradient(90deg, rgba($line,$lineAlpha) 1px, $trans 1px), /*main vert*/
linear-gradient($trans 3px, $block 3px, $block $gridSize - 2, $trans $gridSize - 2), /*nub horiz*/
linear-gradient(90deg, rgba($line,$lineAlpha) 3px, $trans 3px, $trans $gridHeight - 2, rgba($line,$lineAlpha) $gridSize - 2) /*nub vert*/
$gridHeight / $subdivisions $gridSize / $subdivisions;
I'm quite new to JavaScript development. Is there any third party libraries that are available that will do this for me?
Here is a little implementation you could use:
// Promisify addEventListener:
const whenEvent = (elem, eventName) => new Promise(resolve =>
elem.addEventListener(eventName, resolve, { once: true })
// Demo feature: use the table picker upon click and display picked sizes
document.body.addEventListener("click", async (e) => {
const [colCount, rowCount] = await tablePicker(e.clientX, e.clientY);
console.log(JSON.stringify({colCount, rowCount}));
function getRowCol(td) {
td = td.closest("TD,TABLE");
return td?.tagName === "TD" ? [td.cellIndex + 1, td.parentNode.rowIndex + 1] : [0, 0];
// Create popup table and respond to hovering and selection
async function tablePicker(x, y) {
const popup = document.createElement("div");
popup.setAttribute("id", "tblpck");
popup.innerHTML = `<style>
#tblpck table{background:#f8f8f8;border-collapse:collapse;}
#tblpck td div{border:1px solid #888;width:16px;height:16px;margin:0.5px;box-sizing:border-box;}
#tblpck .tblpckhighlight{border:2px solid orange;}
#tblpck {position:absolute;border:1px solid #ccc;left:${x}px;top:${y}px;}
<\/style><div>0x0 Table<\/div>
const [, message, table] = popup.children;
const squares = table.querySelectorAll("div");
popup.addEventListener("mouseover", e => {
const [col, row] = getRowCol(;
squares.forEach(({classList: c}, i) => c.toggle("tblpckhighlight", i<row*10 && i%10<col));
message.textContent = `${col}x${row} Table`;
return false;
const sizes = getRowCol((await whenEvent(popup, "mousedown")).target);
return sizes;
body { height: 100vh; margin: 0 }
Click to get popup at cursor position...