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Can't reproduce payment instrument token creation action from sandbox with "Invalid profile owner" error

I want to create a token for card with given API call as CyberSource's Intro video suggests. With default credentials that sandbox provide(testrest merchant) everything goes fine but when I use my credentials generated in I am always getting next error(I don't edit initial request that sandbox provides; with this exact request and default credentials CyberSource generates token and successfully returns it to API test page)

    "errors": [
            "type": "forbidden",
            "message": "Invalid profile owner"

I have tried to use merchant API shared key/secret as well as user-specific credentials from the same merchant profile.

What I did wrong(may be I need to change smth in merchant profile) and what I need to do to make it work ?


  • We had the same problem. It was related to the profileId. The hard coded profile id isn't valid. You need to get your own profile id from customer support. From what I gather the profile id is used to reference your specific tokens. It's a discount double check if you will that the tokens you are inputting are connected to your account.