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implementation of object level raw permissions inside microservice architecture

I have a bunch of microservices running. I have an api gateway that connect consumers to all these services. Now on some services I need to give permission to certain users ( users are stored in separate Users Service ). For example if I have a blog service I need to give blog 1, blog 2 and blog 3 view permissions only to user 1 and not to user 2 ( the scenario is acl rather than RBAC or ABAC i think, correct me if i am worng ). Now how should i implement the permission system.

For example If store the permission on each entity object inside each microservice as suggested here then each of my service has to know about users also to grant them permissions. this scenario will compel me to synchronize the users data across all microservices ( on users delete update ... ).

Another Solution is to create a separate generic authorization service to manage all services permissions. but this solution will require me to save each microservice schema ( and have to synchronize that schema on change )

Or there is any other solution. please help. how to implement ACL (authorization)


  • One solution would be to introduce userID into the downstream path from the gateway. So the path

    GET /blogs/{blogId} 

    is exposed on the gateway, but this becomes

    GET /blogs/{userId}/{blogId} 

    on the blogs microservice. The gateway handles the user's bearer token and injects the user's ID into the downstrteam call. The blogs microservice would then return the blog for a "valid" path, or a 404 if the path was not valid.

    This is illustrated here:

    enter image description here

    the backend service maintains which users have access to which blogs?

    The blog microservice stores and manages blogs. A blog can have an access list associated with it. That list may contain only the user who is the blog owner, or more than one user. The point is that the ACL is not centralised, but distributed with each blog's data containing it.

    if a user is deleted

    Then you have two choices. If the user is deleted you publish a UserDeleted event, to which the blogs service is subscribed. Then you can manage all the blogs which have the user in their ACL and remove them. Or, you can do nothing. I would personally choose the latter; one of the features of having a microservice architecture is that some data will not be consistent. If you require absolute consistency then you can have a "caretaker" process which removes deleted users out of blog ACLs. Or don't use microservices.