I use the SAS key to make a GET request for the table, but I get the error "This request is not authorized to perform this operation.". What values should I fill in on the authorization tab to work this out?
x-ms-blob-type and BlobBlock work for blob storage but I need key and value for table type.
If you are using SAS, you don't need any API key. Set Authorization to 'Inherit Auth from Parent'.
Below are the settings I used to get my Table SAS.
And below are the settings in my Postman
The url I used for my query was https://anumystorage.table.core.windows.net/mytable(PartitionKey='A',RowKey='B')<your_sas_token>
<-- Replace <your_sas_token> with your own Sas starting with '?sv=.....'
The information on the Table storage Rest API can be found here.