Is it possible to pass a list of object (PhysicalComponent) to my custom service that prevent me to iterate over all PhysicalComponent ?
Actually I iterarate like this in my M2DOC template :
{m:for pc | self.eAllContents(pa::PhysicalComponent)}
You can create a service with the following signatures:
public SomeReturnType myService(List<PhysicalComponent> components) {
public SomeReturnType myService(Set<PhysicalComponent> components) {
public SomeReturnType myService(Collection<PhysicalComponent> components) {
Then you can call it this way for instance:
The arrow tells to pass the collection to the service, the dot tell to call the service on each element of the collection.
If you used a List of a Set as the first parameter you may need to use asSequence() or asOrderedSet():