I found some code online that says that you can print a label onto the Dymo printer. I have the reference DYMO Label Software v.8 reference enabled. The Code is as follows:
Dim myDymo As DYMO_DLS_SDK.DymoHighLevelSDK
Dim dyAddin As DYMO_DLS_SDK.ISDKDymoAddin
Dim dyLabel As DYMO_DLS_SDK.ISDKDymoLabels
Set myDymo = New DYMO_DLS_SDK.DymoHighLevelSDK
Set dyAddin = myDymo.DymoAddin
Set dyLabel = myDymo.DymoLabels
dyAddin.SelectPrinter dyAddin.GetDymoPrinters
dyAddin.Open Environ$("USERPROFILE") & "\My Documents\DYMO Label\Labels\BoardFile.label"
dylabe.SetField "Text", "Lot Number: " & Range("A" & LR + 1) & vbCr & "Item Number: " & Range("B" & LR + 1) & vbCr & "Order Number:" & Range("E" & LR + 1)
dyAddin.Print2 1, True, 1
Set myDymo = Nothing
There is no error code but no label gets printed either so I'm lost on what to do next.
You have an error in the posted code (missing the 'l' in label):
dylabe.SetField "Text",
However, I tried to run as you have it and vba threw an error at that line, which you say you don't get - so I assume that was an error in your question and not your code.
I had a play around, and a likely reason is that your path to the label file is not correct. If I point vba to a non-existent label, it will print a few times using the last used label file, then start playing up and stop printing.
Could you please check this line is correct?:
dyAddin.Open Environ$("USERPROFILE") & "\My Documents\DYMO Label\Labels\BoardFile.label"
Are you able to print using the dymo software?