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can not traverse a linked list

I am new at linked list. Recently I have created a linked list and tried to do some operations on it like insertion , deletion . But I failed to traverse the linked list. I guess the head pointer is changing during the insertion .I have faced this type of problem several time. Help me to figure out.

using namespace std ;
struct node
    int data ;
    struct node* next ;

void insertion_end( node* head , int n)
    node* temp = new node() ;
    temp->data = n ;
    temp->next = nullptr ;
    node* last = head ;
    if(head == nullptr)
        head =temp ;
        while ( last != nullptr)
            last = last->next ;
        last = temp ;

void insertion_front (node* head , int n)
    node* temp = new node();
    temp->data = n ;
    temp->next = head ;
    head = temp ;

void deletion (node* head , int n)
    node* temp ;
    node* temp2 ;
    while(temp->data != n)
        temp = temp->next ;
    if(temp->data != n)
        cout<< "Not found!" <<"\n" ;
    temp2 = temp ;
    temp = temp->next ;
    free(temp2) ;

void traverse(node* head)
    node* temp = head ;
    while ( temp->next != nullptr)
        cout<< " "<< temp->data << "\n" ;
        temp =temp->next ;

int main()

node* head = new node();
head->next = nullptr ;

insertion_end(head , 10);
insertion_end(head , 5463);
insertion_end(head , 474);
insertion_end(head , 5475);
insertion_end(head , 457);
insertion_end(head , 3575);
insertion_front(head , 41234);
insertion_front(head , 68976);
insertion_front(head , 23);
insertion_front(head , 57);

deletion(head , 68976);

traverse( head );

return 0 ;



  • Your insert function should be:

    void insertion_front(node** head, int n)
        node* temp = new node();
        temp->data = n;
        temp->next = *head;
        *head = temp;

    And when you call the function:

    insertion_front(&head, 41234);