I am comparing JSON responses from two different servers. They should basically match but due to caching, there are some small differences in fields such a temperature, wind speed, etc.
I am currently using a customization to ignore certain fields that always fail like this:
JSONAssert.assertEquals(response2.getResponseBodyContent(), response1.getResponseBodyContent(),
new CustomComparator(JSONCompareMode.LENIENT,
new Customization("**.TimeStamp", {a, b -> true}),
new Customization("**.EpochTime", {a, b -> true})
JSON Samples:
I am using a testing tool called Katalon which supports groovy/java. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
I don't know Katalon, but I can take a good guess at how to fix this based on the code you've shown. This code:
new Customization("**.TimeStamp", {a, b -> true})
is providing a closure that compares any two TimeStamp nodes, passed as a
and b
, and always returns true
. That effectively ignores TimeStamp (and EpochTime) in the comparison.
To achieve what you want, you just need to supply a version of that closure that performs the check you want.
To return true if the times are within ten seconds, you might do:
new Customization("**.TimeStamp", {a, b -> Math.abs(a - b) < 10 })
for example. You'll need to check the appropriate values for your data - TimeStamp is probably a text string that you'll need to parse into a suitable Date object first.
The closure can have multiple lines of code, and can be defined separately:
def fuzzyCompareTimeStamps = { a, b ->
def dateA = new Date(a).parse(<whatever>)
def dateB = new Date(b).parse(<whatever>)
def absoluteDifference = Math.abs(dateA - dateB)
return (absoluteDifference < 10)
new Customization("**.TimeStamp", fuzzyCompareTimeStamps)
(This isn't tested code and won't work as written; it's just to give the flavour of how your solution will look).