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Play Slick: How to fetch selected fields from a DB table in play-slick 3.0.0?

I am new to play framework. I am working on a play slick based application where I want to fetch a list of objects from DB which will contains some selected fields. For fetching all the fields I am using following code:

case class Mail(txID: String,
               timeStamp: Long,
               toUserID: String,
               mailContent: String,
               mailTemplateFileName: String,
               fromID: String,
               toID: String
def getLogFromIDFuture(userID: String): Future[Option[List[Mail]]] = cache.getOrElseUpdate[Option[List[Mail]]](userID) {
    val resultingUsers = => x.toUserID === userID).result)
    val res = Await.result(resultingUsers, Duration.Inf) => t) match {
      case t if t.nonEmpty =>
      case _ => Future(None)

So my question is how to fetch only timeStamp, toUserID, mailContent, fromID, toID fields as the list of objects like UserMessage(timeStamp: Long, toUserID: String, mailContent: String, fromID: String, toID: String). I tried searching about this but didn't get any convincing answers.


  • Like I said in the comment you can do this:

    def getLogFromIDFuture(userID: String): Future[Option[List[UserMessage]]] = cache.getOrElseUpdate[Option[List[Mail]]](userID) {
        val resultingUsers = => x.toUserID === userID).map(entry =>(entry.timeStamp, entry.toUserID, entry.mailContent, entry.fromID, entry.toID))
    .result)// here you have the tuple of things
    // add the mapping of the tuple to the UserMessage
        val res = Await.result(resultingUsers, Duration.Inf) => t) match {
          case t if t.nonEmpty =>
          case _ => Future(None)

    You can get rid of that Await.result match {
          case t if t.nonEmpty =>
          case _ => None

    Hope it helps.