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The server cannot service the request because the media type is unsupported Soap Nodejs

I've built and API in nodejs with the library "soap" that consumes a wsdl project.

I'm trying to do a post and in the response body I'm getting this error:

The server cannot service the request because the media type is unsupported

also in the response body I have this message:

Cannot process the message because the content type 'text/xml; charset=utf-8' was not the expected type 'application/soap+xml; charset=utf-8.

I did some research and figure it out that is a problem of soap version between server and client.

I try this things:

  1. when creating soap client added forceSoap12Headers:false and viceverse
  2. rewrite soap library with accept content and content-type to: text/xml; charset=utf-8, also change all schemes that belongs to soap v1.1
  3. try do add httpHeader in request 'Accept' 'text/xml'

This is part of my code:

 MethodTest: async function(wsdl){
            var client  =  soap.createClient(wsdl,{forceSoap12Headers:false},async (err,result)=>{

                    var descripcion = await this.ServiceDescription(wsdl); 
                var body = { _xml:  "<i0:GetAccountBalance>"+
                      "<i0:WebUser>NDsVwQwRbwbuY / DcX2PRGw ==</i0:WebUser>"+
                var response = await (result[descripcion.metodos[8]+"Async"])(body)
                }catch (e){



  • I found it. I Had two problems, when creating the client service the default endpoint was set wrong and required the Content-Type application/soap+xml; charset=utf-8. I just Override the endpoint and the request went OK!!