Filebeat is reading logs from a file, where logs are in the following format:
{"logTimestamp":"2019-11-29T16:39:43.027Z","@version":"1","message":"Hello world","logger_name":"se.lolotron.App","thread_name":"thread-1","level":"INFO","level_value":40000,"application":"my-app"}
So there is a field logTimestamp logged in ISO 8601 time format. The problem is that this field is mapped as a keyword In Elasticsearch filebeat index
"logTimestamp": {
"type": "keyword",
"ignore_above": 1024
On the other hand if I index a similar document in the same Elasticsearch instance but different index, e.g.
POST /new_index/_doc/
"message": "hello world",
The mapping is
"logTimestamp": {
"type": "date"
According to docs here and here by default Elastic should detect a date if formatted with strict_date_optional_time. And strict_date_optional_time is described as
A generic ISO datetime parser where the date is mandatory and the time is optional.
Which I presume is ISO 8601 and think I proved that with indexing a new doc to new_index in the example above.
Why is logTimestamp saved as keyword in the case of Filebeat? Any ideas?
I'm using Filbeat 7.2.1, Elasticsearch 7.2.1. Also the default fields.yml is used.
I just found out that date_detection is disabled for filebeat indices by default (Filebeat version 7.2.1). This can be seen here
var (
// Defaults used in the template
defaultDateDetection = false
Does not look like it can be overridden.
The workaround for this is to use experimental feature append_fields (experimental at least at the time of writing this post. See here for more.) and add the following to the filebeat.yml config
setup.template.overwrite: true
- name: logTimestamp
type: date
This will make sure that the mapping for logTimestamp is date.