I have a rather common task for my NSIS installer - to find out if Firefox is running before the install, and ask the user to close it. But I haven't yet found a plugin that works for Windows 7 x64. I have tested Processes, FindProcDll, nsProcess - they all failed to detect the 32-bit firefox. I'd be grateful for any ideas where to look next.
Update: Actually, I couldn't detect the 64-bit firefox either with any of these plugins.
nsProcess works just fine for me. It also seems to be the most recently updated of the plug-ins you listed, so that's why I tested with that one. I'm using Win 7 x64 and confirmed in Task Manager that Firefox showed as "firefox.exe *32"
!include nsProcess.nsh
${nsProcess::FindProcess} "firefox.exe" $R0
${If} $R0 == "0"
# it's running
Possible return codes:
0 Success
603 Process was not currently running
604 Unable to identify system type
605 Unsupported OS
606 Unable to load NTDLL.DLL
607 Unable to get procedure address from NTDLL.DLL
608 NtQuerySystemInformation failed
609 Unable to load KERNEL32.DLL
610 Unable to get procedure address from KERNEL32.DLL
611 CreateToolhelp32Snapshot failed