I was looking a lot for method to get parent process in .NET, but found only P/Invoke way.
This code provides a nice interface for finding the Parent process object and takes into account the possibility of multiple processes with the same name:
Console.WriteLine("ParentPid: " + Process.GetProcessById(6972).Parent().Id);
public static class ProcessExtensions {
private static string FindIndexedProcessName(int pid) {
var processName = Process.GetProcessById(pid).ProcessName;
var processesByName = Process.GetProcessesByName(processName);
string processIndexdName = null;
for (var index = 0; index < processesByName.Length; index++) {
processIndexdName = index == 0 ? processName : processName + "#" + index;
var processId = new PerformanceCounter("Process", "ID Process", processIndexdName);
if ((int) processId.NextValue() == pid) {
return processIndexdName;
return processIndexdName;
private static Process FindPidFromIndexedProcessName(string indexedProcessName) {
var parentId = new PerformanceCounter("Process", "Creating Process ID", indexedProcessName);
return Process.GetProcessById((int) parentId.NextValue());
public static Process Parent(this Process process) {
return FindPidFromIndexedProcessName(FindIndexedProcessName(process.Id));