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Custom route is not hitting in core mvc?

I have sample .net core mvc application, im testing SEO friendly url creating , which is posted Here

I have created all the code as in the post.

My testing controller action is as follows

 public IActionResult Index(int id, string titl)
            //string titl = "";
            var viewModel = new FriendlyUrlViewModel() { Id = 1, Name = "Detail home view." };

            string friendlyTitle = FriendlyUrlHelper.GetFriendlyTitle(viewModel.Name);

            // Compare the title with the friendly title.
            if (!string.Equals(friendlyTitle, titl, StringComparison.Ordinal))
                return RedirectToRoutePermanent("post_detail", new { id = viewModel.Id, title = friendlyTitle });

            return View(viewModel);


and i have create custom route in startup.cs

 app.UseMvc(routes =>
                    name: "post_detail",
                    template: "FriendlyUrl/index/{id}/{title}"
                        name: "default",
                        template: "{controller=Home}/{action=Index}/{id?}");


when i navigate to


browser display nothing, I think issue is with custom routing, but i cant find it, can someone help on this?



  • You don't have to add:

    name: "post_detail",
    template: "FriendlyUrl/index/{id}/{title}")

    That is for the global 'controller/action' map rule.

    Instead, to map specified path to action, consider adding an attribute like this:

     public IActionResult Index([FromRoute]int id, [FromRoute]string title)


    How to use route name to redirect?

    Simply add a name to your route. Like this:

     [Route("FriendlyUrl/index/{id}/{title}", Name = "post_detail")]
     public IActionResult Index([FromRoute]int id, [FromRoute]string title)

    To route to this action from another controller or action, call it with:

    // in action
    return RedirectToRoute("post_detail");
    // or
    return RedirectToRoutePermanent("post_detail");
    // I guess you don't have to lose the `Id`:
    return RedirectToRoutePermanent("post_detail", new { id = 5 });

    How to allow receiving null to title

    Simply add a ? to the route template. Like this:

     [Route("FriendlyUrl/index/{id}/{title?}", Name = "post_detail")]
     public IActionResult Index([FromRoute]int id, [FromRoute]string title)