I have a Jenkins installation, wherein post successful build i archive the artifacts, so that in the Post build action, i can deploy the artifacts to my production website. However i do not find any option to only archive the aspx pages, like mostly we get when we publish the website.
However i see a File Pattern field in the Archive Artifacts plugin, however i am not sure, what pattern i can use so that Jenkins would provide me a published copy of the build (artifacts).
Could anyone please provide me file patterns i can use to get the Published copy, or is there any other way i can get the published copy to release on production in Jenkins
In a pipeline job you can use this:
stage('archive') {
logFiles = findFiles(glob: '**/*.aspx')
if (logFiles.length > 0){
archiveArtifacts artifacts: '**/*.aspx', fingerprint: true
} else {
print ('no artifacts to archive')
If you are not using a pipeline job, you probably can use the Ant pattern **/*.aspx on the job configuration