I keep getting error "undefined method `model_name' for nil:NilClass" when I try to create a new record of my model UserLanguage that has two foreign keys: language and user.
the language_id of the new UserLangauge object is nil after form submit.
user_languages#new view
<%= simple_form_for(@user_language) do |f| %>
<%= f.association :language, label_method: :name, value_method: :id, include_blank: false, include_hidden: false %>
<%= f.input :proficiency, collection: @proficiencies, include_blank: false, include_hidden: false %>
<%= f.submit "Add Language"%>
<% end %>
user_languages controller
def new
@user_language = UserLanguage.new
def create
user_language = UserLanguage.new(user_language_params)
user_language.user = current_user
if user_language.save
redirect_to my_account_path
render :new
def user_language_params
params.require(:user_language).permit(:language, :proficiency, :seeking, :sharing)
I assign user with current_user (devise), but am unable to get the language to associate with the new user_langauge record....
I even tried manually assigning @user_language.language_id = params[:language] from the from data right before saving the object, but then the langauge_id is just assigned 0 for unknown reason.
The problem is that you are assigning user_language = ...
in your create method. This assigns a local variable instead of an instance variable. A local variable is only available in that lexical scope (the create method in this case) while Rails exposes the controllers instance variables to the view.
You can rewrite this method to:
def create
@user_language = current_user.user_languages
if @user_language.save
redirect_to my_account_path
render :new
This assumes that you have setup a has_many :user_languages
relation in your User