I added a new world map on WoW-wotlk (Battle for Gilneas map id: 761
) and I get this error in the server console:
Player 'Helias' (1) discovered unknown area (x: y: z: map: )
Screen of the server log:
I solved this issue extracting correctly the dbc & maps.
I missed some AreaTable.dbc
data, I added them, (re)extracted the maps and solved the problem.
To extract a custom maps from my client I added renamed my MPQ patch into patch-enUS-4.MPQ
(case sensitive) and put it in WoW/Data/enUS/
directory because the mapextractor don't read any *.MPQ files but only some of them.
If the problem still persist
Check your map area files, probably in the ADT file you associated a different Area ID than your AreaTable.dbc