I am trying to make a select component update itself after adding an option but I can't. Here is my code:
const options = ['first_option']
const addEventSignal = () => {
const option = prompt('Please enter new option', '')
if (option) {
const doSomething = event => {
<select bind:value={options} on:change={doSomething}>
{#if options}
{#each options as option}
<option value={option}>{option}</option>
<button type="button" on:click={addEventSignal}>Add Signal</button>
If I reload the component it shows the new option but I would like to have the new option in the select list as soon as the input dialog is gone.
Svelte doesn't detect the mutation of your options
It only tracks assignments, with =
. A very common solution to make the compiler aware of the modification is this kind of situation is self-assigment:
// you'd also have to make it a `let`, of course
// this, Svelte will see!
options = options
You can call that a Sveltism.
Reactivity will ensue, and your select's options should be updated immediately. See details in this section of the tutorial.