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How to write Couchbase N1QL query in spring data?

I want to write a query to find a list of strings which contains sub-strings, e.g


Above is list of Strings i need to find but i have input as xyz only and not the fullname xyz-1.

In couchbase server i have implemented the query as below,

WHERE ANY v IN namelist SATISFIES v LIKE '%xyz%' END;

which will give me all the list name containing xyz. But implementing in Spring boot application its not working.

Below is my spring boot @query menthod

@Query("Select * from `test` where #{#n1ql.filter} And ANY v In namelist SATISFIES v Like '%$1'% END within #{#n1ql.bucket}")
List<String> findBynameList(String name);

and below is my pojo class ,

    private String car_id;
    private String name;
    private List<String> namelist;


  • Right side of the LIKE must be string or query named/positional parameters of string.

    If query named/positional parameters inside the string will not be replaced. You have '%$1'% , it will look for $1 not value.

    If you want look for value write like this

    v LIKE $1    ===> supply $1 as "%actualvalue%"
    v LIKE "%" || $1 || "%"