I'm setting up the CAN-bus on a new custom board. It uses the mcp2515 controller connected via SPI-Bus. When receiving using 'candump' one bit in the data is always 0 (to be specific, the first bit off the data). The two other devices on the bus work perfectly.
Possibly related, there is a timing problem in the hardware, I have to set the baud-rate 20% higher to get the correct baud rate for the other devices.
This even happens if I disconnect the bus-cable and enable loopback!
#ip link set can0 type can bitrate 600000 loopback on
#ifconfig can0 up
#candump can0 &
can0 4FB [8] 2A BB CC DD EE FF FF FF
can0 0FF [8] AA BB CC DD EE FF FF FF
can0 4AB [8] 2A BB CC DD EE FF FF FF
can0 0AB [8] AA BB CC DD EE FF FF FF
# cansend can0 000#0000CCDDEEFFFFFF
can0 400 [8] 00 00 4C DD EE FF FF FF
can0 000 [8] 00 00 CC DD EE FF FF FF
Are there any obvious reasons why this could be happening?
Is it possible the timing error in the hardware causes this problem, even in loopback mode?
removed example with a bad CAN_ID 'FFF' to reduce confusion
I managed to find solution to both problems: