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Change border and boxShadow color back to normal inside bootbox callback

Im having a view input fields. Only the first input field is required to fill in. Others may be empty. When a user keeps the first inputfield empty and presses the submit button the boxShadow-color and bordercolor will be red. What I want is that when the user presses the inputfield again the border color and boxShadow color go back to what they where. (form-control class its focus color, light blue).

Here is some of my code. At the if statement I change color to red when input field is empty. I tried to make a new if statement like this: if (input field focus = true) then back to normal. Also tried this with onclick but the problem is it only fires when pressing the submit button. I need something like gesture or so. That keeps watching it.

ok: {
   label: "Submit",
   className: 'btn-success',
   callback: function() {
      var inputDossierTitle = document.getElementById("inputDossierTitle");
      var inputDossierSubTitle = document.getElementById("inputDossierSubTitle").value;
      var inputDossierSummary = document.getElementById("inputDossierSummary").value;
      var selectDossierPrivacySettings = document.getElementById("selectDossierPrivacySettings").value;

      const isEmpty = str => !str.trim().length;
      if (isEmpty(inputDossierTitle.value)) {
 = "red";
 = "0 0 0 0.2rem rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.36)";
          return false;
      } else {
             url : '/create-dossier',
             type: "POST",
             data: {title: inputDossierTitle.value, sub_title: inputDossierSubTitle, summary: inputDossierSummary, PrivacySettings: selectDossierPrivacySettings},
             success : function () {
                 new Dossier();


  • You could base your error styles on css class name, ie. is-invalid

    (...) .is-invalid {
        border-color: red;
        box-shadow: 0 0 0 0.2rem rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.36);

    then use it like this:

    if (isEmpty(inputDossierTitle.value)) {
        return false;
    // just a note, you dont need to have else {} here since you are returning inside of if statement

    and listen for specified event type, to remove the class:

    if input focus is just enough:

    inputDossierTitle.addEventListener('focus', (event) => {

    or maybe remove error when input is not empty anymore:

    inputDossierTitle.addEventListener('input', (event) => {
        if ( { // or use your isEmpty function

    try to play with blur event