I am trying to use the annotation based approach to audit my elasticsearch document using spring-data-elasticsearch. I followed the JPA guide while implementing my classes/setup.
My code looks like this:
public class SpringSecurityAuditorAwareConfiguration {
public AuditorAware<String> auditorProvider() {
return new SpringSecurityAuditorAware();
public class SpringSecurityAuditorAware implements AuditorAware<String> {
public Optional<String> getCurrentAuditor() {
return Optional.ofNullable(SecurityContextHolder.getContext())
@Document(indexName = "myEntity", type = "myEntityType")
public class MyEntity {
private String id;
protected String createdBy;
protected OffsetDateTime createdDate;
protected String lastModifiedBy;
protected OffsetDateTime lastModifiedDate;
public void setDictionaryId(DictionaryId dictionaryId) {
this.dictionaryId = dictionaryId;
public String getCreatedBy() {
return createdBy;
public void setCreatedBy(String createdBy) {
this.createdBy = createdBy;
public OffsetDateTime getCreatedDate() {
return createdDate;
public void setCreatedDate(OffsetDateTime createdDate) {
this.createdDate = createdDate;
public String getLastModifiedBy() {
return lastModifiedBy;
public void setLastModifiedBy(String lastModifiedBy) {
this.lastModifiedBy = lastModifiedBy;
public OffsetDateTime getLastModifiedDate() {
return lastModifiedDate;
public void setLastModifiedDate(OffsetDateTime lastModifiedDate) {
this.lastModifiedDate = lastModifiedDate;
Unfortunately it when I save a new instance the properties are always set to null. Does spring-data-elasticsearch support the annotation based approach?
This is implemented since version 4.0 which has been released in May 2020.
Original answer:
No, this is currently not supported in Spring Data Elasticsearch.
Please create a ticket to add support for this, this is definitely a feature worth to have.