I'm trying to set state of input fields.
I want to update specific input value when a key is pressed.
state looks fine, but I'm getting error on map function of render part.
I don't understand why it breaks on map.
export type IMode = "login" | "forgot";
export interface IInput {
value: string;
error: string;
id: string;
name: string;
placeholder: string;
type: "text" | "password";
export interface IState {
isRequestPending: boolean;
backendError: string;
mode: IMode;
form: {
[key in IMode]: {
name: string;
method: string;
action: string;
fields: IInput[];
in constructor
this.state = {
isRequestPending: false,
backendError: "",
mode: "login",
form: {
login: {
name: "Login",
method: "",
action: "",
fields: [
value: "",
error: "",
id: "test",
placeholder: "Login",
type: "text",
name: "login"
.... and so on
private handleFormInput = (e, input: IInput, index) => {
this.setState((prevState) => ({
backendError: "",
form: {
[this.state.mode]: {
fields: {
[index]: {
value: "it Works, but map crash"
You are converting fields
into an object
which doesn't contain a map
method. Update your state like this
this.setState(prev =>({
fields : prev.form[this.state.mode].fields.map((field, i) =>{
if(i !== index) return field
return {
value : 'foo'