I have a local Java Service that exposes a single endpoint where the response can take over 5min sometimes depending on the request size. I want to "hide" this endpoint behind Strapi, so that a user that is not authenticated through Strapi, can't access this endpoint. What i've done is, created a custom Route in Strapi, and created a custom controller function for this route:
async optimizeRoute(ctx) {
try {
console.log(`${new Date()} - Optimize route started`)
const vehicles = ctx.request.body.vehicles.map(vehicle => {
return {
id: vehicle.id,
licenseplate: vehicle.licenseplate,
maxweight: vehicle.maxweight,
maxlength: vehicle.maxlength,
geojson: vehicle.geojson,
maxtime: moment(vehicle.endtime).diff(moment(vehicle.starttime), 'seconds') * 1.1
const orders = ctx.request.body.orders.map(order => {
return {
id: order.id,
weight: order.weight,
length: order.length,
geojson: order.geojson
console.log(`Using ${vehicles.length} vehicles, and ${orders.length} orders!`)
const response = await axios.post('',
{ vehicles: vehicles, orders: orders }, {timeout: 0}
return response.data;
} catch (error) {
ctx.throw(error.response.status, error.response);
But what happens when i do this, is Strapi closes the connection after 1-2 min to the requester before the response is returned. Using Strapi Beta3.17.5. Anywhere i can configure or debug to wait for the axios to return a response then return the response to the requester??
The default server timeout value is 2 min, Please check the image for reference.
So in server.js
you can increase this timeout value by passing callback function
So the code will look like below
const strapi = require('strapi');
strapi(/* {...} */).start(()=>{
setting timeout to 0 strapi will wait forever or you can add value in milliseconds.