Search code examples

How to check if some values have been above a threshold for more than n days?

I have the following table:

t:([]date:.z.d+neg til 100; region:100#(`us`eu`asia`au); product:100#(`car`insurance`loan`other); qty:100?1f);

date       region product   qty        
2019.11.28 us     car       0.3998898  
2019.11.27 eu     insurance 0.592308   
2019.11.26 asia   loan      0.9796166  

What I want is to check if the qty has been above a given threshold, say 0.5, for more than n days, say 3 days. Here days can actually just be the number of consecutive observations.

I want to check this for each of the 4 products I have, and by region.

I thought about applying a rolling function over n days, and apply the following function:

    :all l>0.5;

where 0.5 is my threshold, but it is not really working...


  • One approach using fby:

    q)consec:{s in(s:sums[differ y])where(x-1){x&prev x}/y};
    q)`region`product`date xdesc select from t where (consec[3];0.5<qty)fby([]region;product)
    date       region product   qty
    2019.11.04 us     car       0.949975
    2019.10.31 us     car       0.8481567
    2019.10.27 us     car       0.9367503
    2019.09.28 eu     insurance 0.6884756
    2019.09.24 eu     insurance 0.9598964
    2019.09.20 eu     insurance 0.6789082
    2019.09.16 eu     insurance 0.726781
    2019.09.12 eu     insurance 0.5830262
    2019.09.08 eu     insurance 0.7750292
    2019.11.21 au     other     0.5347096
    2019.11.17 au     other     0.5785203
    2019.11.13 au     other     0.6137452
    2019.11.09 au     other     0.6919531
    2019.09.30 au     other     0.7278528
    2019.09.26 au     other     0.7520102
    2019.09.22 au     other     0.6430982
    2019.09.18 au     other     0.9877844
    2019.09.14 au     other     0.8355065
    2019.09.10 au     other     0.9149882
    2019.09.06 au     other     0.6324114
    /to make it a sequence of 5 consecutive
    `region`product`date xdesc select from t where (consec[5];0.5<qty)fby([]region;product)
    /to make the threshold >0.6
    `region`product`date xdesc select from t where (consec[5];0.6<qty)fby([]region;product)