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Multiple aggregations on multiple columns in Python polars

Checking out how to implement binning with Python polars, I can easily calculate aggregates for individual columns:

import polars as pl
import numpy as np

t, v = np.arange(0, 100, 2), np.arange(0, 100, 2)
df = pl.DataFrame({"t": t, "v0": v, "v1": v})
df = df.with_columns((pl.datetime(2022,10,30) + pl.duration(seconds=df["t"])).alias("datetime")).drop("t")

df.group_by_dynamic("datetime", every="10s").agg(pl.col("v0").mean())
shape: (10, 2)
│ datetime            ┆ v0   │
│ ---                 ┆ ---  │
│ datetime[μs]        ┆ f64  │
│ 2022-10-30 00:00:00 ┆ 4.0  │
│ 2022-10-30 00:00:10 ┆ 14.0 │
│ 2022-10-30 00:00:20 ┆ 24.0 │
│ 2022-10-30 00:00:30 ┆ 34.0 │
│ ...                 ┆ ...  │

or calculate multiple aggregations like

df.group_by_dynamic("datetime", every="10s").agg(
│ datetime            ┆ v0_binmean ┆ v0_bincount │
│ ---                 ┆ ---        ┆ ---         │
│ datetime[μs]        ┆ f64        ┆ u32         │
│ 2022-10-30 00:00:00 ┆ 4.0        ┆ 5           │
│ 2022-10-30 00:00:10 ┆ 14.0       ┆ 5           │
│ 2022-10-30 00:00:20 ┆ 24.0       ┆ 5           │
│ 2022-10-30 00:00:30 ┆ 34.0       ┆ 5           │
│ ...                 ┆ ...        ┆ ...         │

or calculate one aggregation for multiple columns like

cols = [c for c in df.columns if "datetime" not in c]
df.group_by_dynamic("datetime", every="10s").agg(
     for c in cols

│ datetime            ┆ v0_binmean ┆ v1_binmean │
│ ---                 ┆ ---        ┆ ---        │
│ datetime[μs]        ┆ f64        ┆ f64        │
│ 2022-10-30 00:00:00 ┆ 4.0        ┆ 4.0        │
│ 2022-10-30 00:00:10 ┆ 14.0       ┆ 14.0       │
│ 2022-10-30 00:00:20 ┆ 24.0       ┆ 24.0       │
│ 2022-10-30 00:00:30 ┆ 34.0       ┆ 34.0       │
│ ...                 ┆ ...        ┆ ...        │

However, combining both approaches fails!

df.group_by_dynamic("datetime", every="10s").agg(
    for c in cols
DuplicateError: column with name 'literal' has more than one occurrences

Is there a "polarustic" approach to calculate multiple statistical parameters for multiple (all) columns of the dataframe in one go?

related, pandas-specific: Python pandas groupby aggregate on multiple columns


  • There are various ways of selecting multiple columns "at once" in polars:
    # ['v0', 'v1', 'datetime']"v0", "v1")).columns       # by name(s)
    # ['v0', 'v1']"datetime")).columns   # by exclusion
    # ['v0', 'v1']

    The output column names can be controlled using the .name.* methods

    e.g. name.suffix()"datetime").mean().name.suffix("_binmean"))
    shape: (1, 2)
    │ v0_binmean ┆ v1_binmean │
    │ ---        ┆ ---        │
    │ f64        ┆ f64        │
    │ 49.0       ┆ 49.0       │

    As such, we can rewrite your example using:

    df.group_by_dynamic("datetime", every="10s").agg(
    shape: (10, 5)
    │ datetime            ┆ v0_binmean ┆ v1_binmean ┆ v0_bincount ┆ v1_bincount │
    │ ---                 ┆ ---        ┆ ---        ┆ ---         ┆ ---         │
    │ datetime[μs]        ┆ f64        ┆ f64        ┆ u32         ┆ u32         │
    │ 2022-10-30 00:00:00 ┆ 4.0        ┆ 4.0        ┆ 5           ┆ 5           │
    │ 2022-10-30 00:00:10 ┆ 14.0       ┆ 14.0       ┆ 5           ┆ 5           │
    │ 2022-10-30 00:00:20 ┆ 24.0       ┆ 24.0       ┆ 5           ┆ 5           │
    │ 2022-10-30 00:00:30 ┆ 34.0       ┆ 34.0       ┆ 5           ┆ 5           │
    │ 2022-10-30 00:00:40 ┆ 44.0       ┆ 44.0       ┆ 5           ┆ 5           │
    │ 2022-10-30 00:00:50 ┆ 54.0       ┆ 54.0       ┆ 5           ┆ 5           │
    │ 2022-10-30 00:01:00 ┆ 64.0       ┆ 64.0       ┆ 5           ┆ 5           │
    │ 2022-10-30 00:01:10 ┆ 74.0       ┆ 74.0       ┆ 5           ┆ 5           │
    │ 2022-10-30 00:01:20 ┆ 84.0       ┆ 84.0       ┆ 5           ┆ 5           │
    │ 2022-10-30 00:01:30 ┆ 94.0       ┆ 94.0       ┆ 5           ┆ 5           │