i want to run opengl and i also want that my c code is executed... xD After the window is created no code is executed... is this normal ? or do i need just to understand opengl a bit better :D
Maybe i need to put my c code in some opengl loop xD like into the idle function^^
// Name : cpu_Emulation_19-10-13.cpp
// Author :
// Version :
// Copyright : Your copyright notice
// Description : Hello World in C++, Ansi-style
// todo: iam programming the dissambler which just checks my given in commands.. 1927 - 31.10.2019
#include <iostream>
#include <stdint.h>
#include "C8Klasse.h"
#include "Cartridge.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <GL/glut.h>
#include <intrin.h> // damit kann man zyklen auslesen...https://stackoverflow.com/questions/13772567/how-to-get-the-cpu-cycle-count-in-x86-64-from-c
using namespace std;
// Windows
//#ifdef _WIN32
// what does this whole thing: it ist a Chip8 Interpreter
unsigned short int memory[1000]; // annahem
void initMemory() {
memory[0] = 0;
memory[1] = 1;
void display() {
void glutInitRoutines() {
glutInitWindowSize(64, 32);
glutCreateWindow("Chip8 V5");
glutDisplayFunc(display); // die obige Funktion display wird als Bildchirm behandler bekanntgemacht
//glutSpecialFunc( process_Normal_Keys);
gluOrtho2D(0.0, 32.0, 64.0, 0.0);
//glutIdleFunc( idle);
//void glutIdleFunc(void (*func)(void)
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
glutInit(&argc, argv);
glutInitRoutines(); // initialisation for opengGL window
//screen end
char rom_name[] = "img Fishie.ch8";
// #Start Chip8
C8Klasse c8; // lege interpreter an
c8.initSpeicher(); // initialisiere den Speicher zu 0
// #Setup cartridge
Cartridge testCartridge; // declare a Cartridge ( its the rom with the game data !!
testCartridge.readInOpcodeFromFileInArray(rom_name); // reads opcode of a data-file (should be in workspace) into an intern array
// # Cartridgecode to Chip8 Memory
c8.setOpCode(testCartridge);// here the Opcode of the game is passed to the c8 CPU ( Cartridge ->internal memory )!
c8.printMemory(); // here the c8 internal memory is printed out, should be same form 0x200 to 0xfff with cartridge , since the game has been read in !
c8.printMemory(0x200); // prints memory by starting at given paramater address !
cout << "\n please press enter to continue with the program !" << endl;
cout << "enter" << endl;
unsigned short int counter = 0x00; // ein zykluscounter - zählt zeit bis zum nächsten unsigned short interrupt....
unsigned short int opCode = 0;
//########################################################## main loop
c8.setPC(0x200); // starte mit dem PC auf Adresse 0x200 !
for (int i = 0; i < testCartridge.getOpcodeLength(); i++) {
// opCOde is a unsigned short int ( 16 Bit ) the memory is just 8 Bit ! so please make some bit-amipulation: executableOpcode=(opcode1 <<8) | (opcode2)
opCode = ((unsigned short int) ((c8.getMemAtPC() & (0xff))) << 8);
c8.incrementPCCounter(1); // increment PC
opCode = opCode | (((unsigned short int) (c8.getMemAtPC() & (0xff))));
c8.incrementPCCounter(1); // increment PC -- for the next round
c8.dissembler(opCode); // so if the opcode variable is fille with 2 Bytes please run the dissembler !
cout << "\ncurrent pc: 0x" << hex << c8.getPC();
// cout << ", the read out OpCode is:0x" << hex << opCode; // show opcode.
printf(" the read OpCode is: 0x%04x", opCode);
// man muss bei den Befehlen unterscheiden: befehle fangen mit einer fixen Zahl an und haben dann variablen!
// man muss deswegen zuerst schauen welche zahl am Anfang steht oder , man muss nach einer Zahlenkombinatuon suchen
//Befehle: http://devernay.free.fr/hacks/chip8/C8TECH10.HTM
//Hex to ASCII converter : https://www.rapidtables.com/convert/number/hex-to-ascii.html
return 0;
All instructions are 2 bytes long and are stored most-significant-byte first.
In memory, the first byte of each instruction should be located at an even addresses.
3.1 - Standard Chip-8 Instructions
00E0 - CLS
00EE - RET
0nnn - SYS addr
1nnn - JP addr
2nnn - CALL addr
3xkk - SE Vx, byte
4xkk - SNE Vx, byte
5xy0 - SE Vx, Vy
6xkk - LD Vx, byte
7xkk - ADD Vx, byte
8xy0 - LD Vx, Vy
8xy1 - OR Vx, Vy
8xy2 - AND Vx, Vy
8xy3 - XOR Vx, Vy
8xy4 - ADD Vx, Vy
8xy5 - SUB Vx, Vy
8xy6 - SHR Vx {, Vy}
8xy7 - SUBN Vx, Vy
8xyE - SHL Vx {, Vy}
9xy0 - SNE Vx, Vy
Annn - LD I, addr
Bnnn - JP V0, addr
Cxkk - RND Vx, byte
Dxyn - DRW Vx, Vy, nibble
Ex9E - SKP Vx
ExA1 - SKNP Vx
Fx07 - LD Vx, DT
Fx0A - LD Vx, K
Fx15 - LD DT, Vx
Fx18 - LD ST, Vx
Fx1E - ADD I, Vx
Fx29 - LD F, Vx
Fx33 - LD B, Vx
Fx55 - LD [I], Vx
Fx65 - LD Vx, [I]
3.2 - Super Chip-48 Instructions
00Cn - SCD nibble
00FB - SCR
00FC - SCL
00FE - LOW
Dxy0 - DRW Vx, Vy, 0
Fx30 - LD HF, Vx
Fx75 - LD R, Vx
Fx85 - LD Vx, R
* */
When you call glutMainLoop(), your program will enter a loop that looks a bit like:
void glutMainLoop()
MSG msg = getWindowEvent();
case QUIT: exit(0); break; //< NOTE: method never returns!!
/* snip */
Which is the reason you cannot run any code after glutMainLoop() has been called. If you just want to run the code at the bottom of main once (at the point of app startup), then simply move glutMainLoop() from your routine setup func, to be the very last call in main(). If you want to run that code at the same time as updating the GL window, you have a couple of options:
Personally, I'd go for option 2.