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Kotlin Nullable Any

I am new to Kotlin. I am facing the following problem. I have a function like this,

fun updateAfterFind(updateColumn:Map<Column<*>, Any?>): Boolean{
    ExposedUser.update( { eq 123} ){
        for (column in updateColumn){
            it[column.key] = column.value
    return true;

The column.value is of type Any?. Still I am getting the following error, enter image description here

I have also tried casting, as Any?. But it didn't helped.

After doing gradle build I got the following error,

Type inference failed: Cannot infer type parameter S in fun <S> set(column: Column<S>, value: S?): Unit
None of the following substitutions
can be applied to


  • The signature for <S> UpdateStatement.set(Column<S>,S?) says that the type parameter for the column has to match the value type.

    You have a Column<*> and a value Any. That doesn't match, because Column<*> is not the same as Column<Any>. The * could be anything, so it could be a Column<Integer>, for example, and you can't set an Any as the value.

    If you know that the types really are compatible, then you can override the check by saying it[column.key as Column<Any>] = column.value

    The cast is gross, but using that Map to store these updates is not type-safe, and this is where you have to take responsibility for that.