I have a Maven multi module project of which some of the sub modules are only for internal use. I don't wish to publish any visible Javadoc for it, as it should not be used directly by 3rd parties. There is not a single public package in them (the package name itself has something like a.b.c.internal.d).
However, to release a jar to Maven Central, OSS Sonatype requires that all library jars have accompanying sources and javadoc jars.
How can I force a javadoc jar to be created with a fixed index or so that tells the purpose of the sub module? A package-info.java comes to mind, but I have no public packages (all packages with the word "internal" in it are ignored).
Don't use the Javadoc tool to produce a jar with non-standard content: use maven-jar-plugin instead to manually create one.
Initial solution taken from https://vzurczak.wordpress.com/2014/08/01/generate-an-empty-javadoc-jar-file/
Here's the final solution I settled on and works generically for all submodules when configured in the parent pom:
Define two profiles:
Maven config: