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how to get values to spring.boot.admin.client.username/ password from database?

I have spring boot admin project and now I hardcoded the username and passwords in file like this.


But want to get that values from database not hardcoded like this.I want to configs to connect to self register the admin server as a client.I am beginner to SpringBoot. How can I do it? Thanks.


  • So every configuration in an file can be configured via Javacode. First you have to create a Datasource for your project. Add the spring-data-jpa dependency to your project and config the datasource.


    more you can find here: A Guide to JPA with Spring

    To configure for example the two properties spring.boot.admin.client.username=user and spring.boot.admin.client.password=pass you need to create a @Configuration class which creates a ClientProperties Bean.

    public class AdminClientConfig {
        private final JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate;
        private final Environment environment;
        public AdminClientConfig(JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate,
            Environment environment) {
            this.jdbcTemplate = jdbcTemplate;
            this.environment = environment;
        public ClientProperties clientProperties() {
            ClientProperties cp = new ClientProperties(environment);
            return cp;
        private String getUsername() {
            String username = jdbcTemplate.queryForObject(
                "select username from AnyTable where id = ?",
                new Object[] { "123" }, String.class);
            return username;
        private String getPassword() {
            String password = jdbcTemplate.queryForObject(
                "select password from AnyTable where id = ?",
                new Object[] { "123" }, String.class);
            return password;

    So the JdbcTemplate has already a Database connection and creates the query to get the Username and Password from the Database. The ClientProperties Bean can then be set.

    P.S.: This code is not tested but gives you a some hints to get the job done.