How do you get the inital timestamp for delta calculations in a requestAnimationFrame loop?
Here ive read that
It's [requestAnimationFrame(timestamp)] a DOMHighResTimeStamp or a high-resolution timestamp (the same you get with
thus I tried to do the following:
let lastTimestamp =
const loop = (timestamp) => {
console.log("exec at " + timestamp + " with delta " + (timestamp - lastTimestamp))
lastTimestamp = timestamp
But this gives negative values at the first frame sometimes. Which I really want to aviod since that might corrupt Animation logic. Id also like to not go with cheeky solutions inside the continuesly called loop (like if (firstFrame) // do something differntly
) for performance reasons.
Just set the variable to null to start. First time it runs it will be null. Check for it.
var loops = 0
let lastTimestamp = null
const loop = (timestamp) => {
if (!lastTimestamp) {
console.log("First Time!");
} else {
console.log("exec at " + timestamp + " with delta " + (timestamp - lastTimestamp))
lastTimestamp = timestamp
if (loops<10) { // just so demo is not runaway loop