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How can I set the svn:needs-lock Subversion property through AnkhSVN plug-in with Visual Studio?

I am using the AnkhSVN plug-in with Visual Studio 2008. I am using a free repository hosted on the web. I am not using a Subversion client for this repo, but managing everything with AnkhSVN plug-in (including adding solution file and project files to the new repository).

I want to add the svn:needs-lock property to these files. I wonder if I can do this task using AnkhSVN, or if I need to get another Subversion client for this purpose.


  • in Visual Studio.. In Tools - Options - Source Control, you can change the plug-in value to AnkhSVN. After you do that, "subversion environment" appears in the tree under source control. Select that, then you can check "automatically lock files on change without user confirmation". I think this will accomplish what you want.