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PowerBI: Tooltip using Date/Time and information

I hope that some of you are familiar with Tooltips in PowerBI and their purpose. Therefore, I would like to ask if it is possible to make a tooltip from the data that I copied down here?!

Lets say that I have one set of data (report) where you got exactly the same data format (date/time/info), but their saved in .txt and what I actually wanna is somehow "make" them to work on my charts for that given date/time? I am only able to hover over some data and see whole bunch of data but not exactly for that period (I cant even scroll when the data are just showed in PBI Tooltip).

I managed to extract the date and time using PowerQuery Editor in PBI, but the info part stayed questionable, how or is it possible at all to combine it somehow so I can use it as great tooltip which can say for instance; "okay, on that date you changed system, what is actually visible from the chart", but I would like to have it originally from the "report" aka. tooltip!

Hope you got my question, just wandering if that is possible to do in PBI?


2019-01-09|13:18:59|Operation Mode C1->C2                                                                  |
2019-01-09|13:19:22|User logged out: ACC2                                                                  |
2019-01-09|13:19:28|User logged in: ACC2                                                                   |
2019-01-09|13:19:31|User logged out: ACC2                                                                  |

here are two photos of what I actually see: enter image description here

and something I wanna see: enter image description here

I did this by excluding the line from the Tooltip, but that isnt efficient at all, because there are thousands of lines

Any idea how to convert this txt date format into normal data (date) type? I tried with .datefromtext but it didnt work... gives errors all the time. Any other way using M language or?? Normal change of data type also didnt work...maybe regional settings but not sure... enter image description here


  • Go to Edit Queries > Home > Split Column > Split Column by Delimiter with the following settings:

    enter image description here

    You will get the following result:

    enter image description here

    Now rename the column names and make sure the columns have the right data type. If your relationship is set, you now can show and customize a better tooltip.