I am trying to automate the Registration screen of my Angular
app but I am not able to view the Submit button due to Google Captcha
. Is there any method to skip the Google Captcha
and proceed to click on the Submit button in Protractor
? I tried using switching the frames but it didn't work out. Please help
CAPTCHAs (or Completely Automated Public Turing tests to tell Computers and Humans Apart) are designed to be a gate that lets humans through and robots (programs) out.
For reCAPTCHA v2 the story is a little different. You’re still engaging in the same 2-step process as above but you’re sending different data. In this case you need to send the reCAPTCHA sitekey which can be found on the containing , regardless of whether or not the iframe has loaded.
The response you get is a token that needs to be submitted alongside the form and needs to be entered into a hidden text field with the ID of g-recaptcha-response
TL;DR, you can't really bypass CAPTCHAs (that is basically the idea of them)