I am able to render a sortable list of menuSubItems using this question, but I'd like to keep track of the order that they're in after being sorted. menuSubItem
s don't show up in input
on the server side (at least not the whole list), and I'd like to be able to have a way to access the order of the list of values in test_tabs
without having to delve into creating custom input bindings in Shiny.
Any creative ideas would be appreciated!
# Define UI for shinydashboard
ui <- dashboardPage(
menuItem("tab_one", tabName = "test_body"),
tabItem("test_body", actionButton("click_me", "Click Me"))
# Define server logic to dynamically create menuSubItems
server <- function(input, output) {
observeEvent(input$click_me, {
tabs_list <- lapply(1:5, function(x) {
menuSubItem(text = paste("tab", x))
output$test <- renderMenu({
menu <- menuItem("test_tabs", do.call(tagList, tabs_list))
menu$children[[2]] <- tagAppendAttributes(menu$children[[2]], id = "test_tabs")
tagAppendChildren(menu, sortable_js("test_tabs"))
# Run the application
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
You can use an option from sortable_js to get an event when order changes and fire an event to notify shiny
server <- function(input, output) {
observeEvent(input$click_me, {
tabs_list <- lapply(1:5, function(x) {
menuSubItem(text = paste("tab", x))
output$test <- renderMenu({
menu <- menuItem("test_tabs", do.call(tagList, tabs_list))
menu$children[[2]] <- tagAppendAttributes(menu$children[[2]], id = "test_tabs")
# this javascript function will listen to onUpdate event fired by
# sortable_js when reordering happened. From this event we get 'from'
# that refers to the container whose items are reordered (our test_tab)
# then it's content (items) as text (Maybe better to get items from DOM ...)
# And finally send an event to shiny using Shiny.setInputValue
update_notifier <- htmlwidgets::JS("function(evt) { Shiny.setInputValue('test_tabs_order',evt.from.innerText);}")
# add an option to declare our update_notifier to the sortable menu
tagAppendChildren(menu, sortable_js("test_tabs", options=sortable_options(onUpdate=update_notifier)))
# listen to the event input fired by onUpdate listener above
# we get a newline separated list of item text
# after a bit of formatting we have now a vector of item text
observeEvent(input$test_tabs_order, {
ord <- input$test_tabs_order
ord <- gsub("(^\\s*)|(\\s*$)","", ord) # trim
ord <- unlist(strsplit(ord,"\\s*\n\\s*")) # split
# ord is now a vector of reordered item text
Alternate method sending an array of item text
update_notifier <- htmlwidgets::JS("function(evt) {
var a=evt.from.children;
var b=[];
for(idx=0;idx<a.length;idx++) {