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Track order of sortable menuSubItems in R shinydashboard

I am able to render a sortable list of menuSubItems using this question, but I'd like to keep track of the order that they're in after being sorted. menuSubItems don't show up in input on the server side (at least not the whole list), and I'd like to be able to have a way to access the order of the list of values in test_tabs without having to delve into creating custom input bindings in Shiny.

Any creative ideas would be appreciated!


# Define UI for shinydashboard
ui <- dashboardPage(
      menuItem("tab_one", tabName = "test_body"),
    tabItem("test_body", actionButton("click_me", "Click Me"))

# Define server logic to dynamically create menuSubItems
server <- function(input, output) {
  observeEvent(input$click_me, {
    tabs_list <- lapply(1:5, function(x) {
      menuSubItem(text = paste("tab", x))

    output$test <- renderMenu({
      menu <- menuItem("test_tabs",, tabs_list))
      menu$children[[2]] <- tagAppendAttributes(menu$children[[2]], id = "test_tabs")
      tagAppendChildren(menu, sortable_js("test_tabs"))

# Run the application
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)


  • You can use an option from sortable_js to get an event when order changes and fire an event to notify shiny

    server <- function(input, output) {
      observeEvent(input$click_me, {
        tabs_list <- lapply(1:5, function(x) {
          menuSubItem(text = paste("tab", x))
        output$test <- renderMenu({
          menu <- menuItem("test_tabs",, tabs_list))
          menu$children[[2]] <- tagAppendAttributes(menu$children[[2]], id = "test_tabs")
          # this javascript function will listen to onUpdate event fired by
          # sortable_js when reordering happened. From this event we get 'from'
          # that refers to the container whose items are reordered (our test_tab)
          # then it's content (items) as text (Maybe better to get items from DOM ...)
          # And finally send an event to shiny using Shiny.setInputValue
          update_notifier <- htmlwidgets::JS("function(evt) { Shiny.setInputValue('test_tabs_order',evt.from.innerText);}")
          # add an option to declare our update_notifier to the sortable menu
          tagAppendChildren(menu, sortable_js("test_tabs", options=sortable_options(onUpdate=update_notifier)))
      # listen to the event input fired by onUpdate listener above
      # we get a newline separated list of item text
      # after a bit of formatting we have now a vector of item text
      observeEvent(input$test_tabs_order, {
        ord <- input$test_tabs_order
        ord <- gsub("(^\\s*)|(\\s*$)","", ord) # trim
        ord <- unlist(strsplit(ord,"\\s*\n\\s*")) # split
        # ord is now a vector of reordered item text 

    Alternate method sending an array of item text

     update_notifier <- htmlwidgets::JS("function(evt) {
       var a=evt.from.children; 
       var b=[]; 
       for(idx=0;idx<a.length;idx++) {