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String reverse function x86 NASM assembly

I'm trying to write a function that reverses order of characters in a string using x86 NASM assembly language. I tried doing it using registers (I know it's more efficient to do it using stack) but I keep getting a segmentation fault, the c declaration looks as following

extern char* reverse(char*);

The assembly segment:

section .text
global reverse
        push ebp           ; prologue
        mov ebp, esp       
        mov eax, [ebp+8]   ; eax <- points to string
        mov edx, eax
        mov ch, [edx]      ; put char from edx in ch
        inc edx
        test ch, ch        
        jnz look_for_last  ; if char != 0 loop
        sub edx, 2         ; found last
swap:                      ; eax = first, edx = last (characters in string)
        test eax, edx       
        jg end             ; if eax > edx reverse is done
        mov cl, [eax]      ; put char from eax in cl
        mov ch, [edx]      ; put char from edx in ch
        mov [edx], cl      ; put cl in edx
        mov [eax], ch      ; put ch in eax
        inc eax
        dec edx
        jmp swap            
        mov eax, [ebp+8]   ; move char pointer to eax (func return)
        pop ebp            ; epilogue

It seems like the line causing the segmentation fault is

mov cl, [eax]

Why is that happening? In my understanding eax never goes beyond the bounds of the string so there always is something in [eax]. How come I get a segmentation fault?


  • Ok I figured it out, I mistakenly used test eax, edx instead of which I should have used cmp eax, edx. It works now.