Hi, i'm using springfox-swagger-ui and springfox-bean-validators How can i tell to swagger that my property is a Short ($int16)
My Pojo
@ApiModelProperty(required = true, dataType = "java.lang.Short")
private Short deviceId;
The result in Swagger
deviceId* | integer($int32)
deviceId* | $int16
Thanks a lot
Unfortunately you can't.
Swagger specification does not support short
) data type.
Supported data types:
| Common Name | type | format | Comments |
| integer | integer | int32 | signed 32 bits |
| long | integer | int64 | signed 64 bits |
| float | number | float | |
| double | number | double | |
| string | string | | |
| byte | string | byte | base64 encoded characters |
| binary | string | binary | any sequence of octets |
| boolean | boolean | | |
| date | string | date | As defined by full-date - RFC3339 |
| dateTime | string | date-time | As defined by date-time - RFC3339 |
| password | string | password | Used to hint UIs the input needs to be obscured. |