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Temperature difference quantities in Modelica not functioning as expected

I'm trying to get temperature differences quantities to report the correct result when displayed in non-absolute temperature scales. See the following example:

model tempDiffTest
  Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput test1(quantity="ThermodynamicTemperature", unit="K") = 1 annotation(absoluteValue=false);
  Real test2(quantity="ThermodynamicTemperature", unit="K") = 2 annotation(absoluteValue=false);
  Modelica.SIunits.TemperatureDifference test3 = 3;
end tempDiffTest;

Note that

type TemperatureDifference = Real (
    final quantity="ThermodynamicTemperature",
    final unit="K") annotation(absoluteValue=false);

which is what drove the modifications I made to the test1 and test2 variables.

Now, the expectation is that when I display my results in degrees celsius they should be 1, 2, and 3 for test1, test2, and test3, respectively. The actual results are shown below from Dymola:

tabular result

Therefore, only test3 was apparently successful (note that none of the results were successful in OpenModelica). Now, my question is how do I achieve what I'm after for test1 and test2?


  • Dymola does not support the usage of the absoluteValue annotation in the declaration of test1 and test2.

    If you enable the annotation check in Dymola with


    Dymola reports during check

    In class tempDiffTest component test1, the annotation 'absoluteValue' is unknown.

    Looking at the Modelica spec, we note that it tells

    A simple type or component of a simple type may have: annotation(absoluteValue=false);

    In my opinion, this is a bit vague and your code should work (as test2 is a component of the predefined type Real). But Dymola accepts the annotation only in class definitions.

    So to solve your problem, you simply have to declare a connector and a type to be able to use this annotation.

    package tempDiffTest
      connector Test1 = Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput (quantity="ThermodynamicTemperature", unit="K") annotation(absoluteValue=false);
      type Test2 = Real(quantity="ThermodynamicTemperature", unit="K") annotation(absoluteValue=false);
      model Example
        Test1 test1 = 1;
        Test2 test2 = 2;
        Modelica.SIunits.TemperatureDifference test3 = 3;
      end Example;
    end tempDiffTest;