Sonarqube is displaying errors for empty css/scss files in the Angular application. What are the effects of having empty scss files? Do they cause issues with performance, side bugs/errors, future problems, what are the compound negative issues? These are generally leftover when we do ng generate component
Sonarqube flag: Remove this empty stylesheet
Article below states to ignore it, compiler will take care of it, however more interested in the effects of leaving empty files, if there are any. Empty style (.css/.scss) files
Company would have to go through 1000+ empty scss files in large application, interested to know if its worth the time.
As far as I can tell from looking into this, the best answer is to just leave it. The compiler will indeed handle the empty files appropriately.
SonarQube is just picking it up as code smell, empty files should probably be removed to keep a project in its least complex state possible. In the example you gave with a company going through that many files it is a complete waste of time.