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Kendo Angular Chart change legend position based on size

I'm using a Kendo chart component for Angular. On a full size screen I would like the legend component to the right of the main chart, but on small screens and mobile it gets a little cramped so to be more responsive I would like to move it to the bottom of the chart for small screens.

The issue is that the position is a separate attribute on the legend tag, not a style so as far as I can tell I can't do a media query to change it...

I Googled around and found plenty on how to position the legend, but not to do so dynamically based on size. Is there a way to do this that I'm missing? I'm still semi-new to responsive html/css so entirely possible I'm missing something simple but I can't find a way to do it...


  • We did something like this -

    <div class="row">
        <div class="*ngIf="ShowChart" col-sm-4">
          <kendo-chart style="height: 175px;">
            <kendo-chart-legend [visible]="false"></kendo-chart-legend>
            <kendo-chart-area background="none"></kendo-chart-area>
                  type="donut" [startAngle]="150" [data]="data" 
                  categoryField="field" field="value" colorField="color" [visual]="customVisual"
        <div class="legend col-sm-8" [ngClass]="{'col-sm-8': ShowChart, 'col-sm-12': !ShowChart}">
            <table style="width: 100%">
                <tr *ngFor="let legendItem of ChartData.slice(0, 5); last as last;let i = index">

    This way, we were able to show the chart above and the legends below or next to each other based on the screen resolution.