This question is propably more a concept question, but I'm stuck here logically. I'm using LiveChart for WPF and I try to build a simple CartesianChart dynamically.
I load my Data from a CSV into a List, I'm counting how many times each datapair is in that file and add the amount. The result from this Linq request looks like this:
[0] { Dates = "20191123", Rank = "1st", Amount = 1 } <Anonymous Type>
I go through this result to pick me each date individually for the Lables of my CartesianChart
Now I would like to add my result Data into the CartesianChart for that I need a SeriesCollection mine looks like this:
SeriesCollection = new SeriesCollection
new LineSeries
Title = "1st",
Values = new ChartValues<int> {}
new LineSeries
Title = "2nd",
Values = new ChartValues<int> {}
new LineSeries
Title = "3rd",
Values = new ChartValues<int> {}
But when I go through my data on some dates I dont have for example first place, so I need a 0 amount value for this day. I'm struggeling to add this to my data.
Here is pretty much the whole code block im experimenting with, that also why it looks a little messy.
var data = File.ReadAllLines(FilePathes.resultPath).ToList();
var rankHistoryList = new List<RankHistory>();
foreach (var line in data)
var result = rankHistoryList.GroupBy(x => new { x.Dates, x.Rank })
.Select(g => new { g.Key.Dates, g.Key.Rank, Amount = g.Count() })
var dates = new List<string>();
foreach (var entry in result)
var singleDates = dates.GroupBy(x => x).Select(grp => grp.First()).ToArray();
foreach (var day in singleDates) {
foreach (var entry in result) {
if (entry.Rank == "1st" && day == entry.Dates)
else if (entry.Rank != "1st" && day == entry.Dates)
{ SeriesCollection[0].Values.Add(0); }
I think my answer is the most complicated but at least it works:
var allRanks = new List<string>
foreach (var entry in result)
var singleDates = dates.GroupBy(x => x).Select(grp => grp.First()).ToArray();
Labels = singleDates;
foreach (var ran in allRanks)
foreach (var day in singleDates)
if (ran == "1st")
if (result.Exists(x => x.Dates == day && x.Rank == ran) == true)
SeriesCollection[0].Values.Add(result.Where(w => w.Dates == day && w.Rank == ran).Select(x => x.Amount).First());
else SeriesCollection[0].Values.Add(0);
if (ran == "2nd")
if (result.Exists(x => x.Dates == day && x.Rank == ran) == true)
SeriesCollection[1].Values.Add(result.Where(w => w.Dates == day && w.Rank == ran).Select(x => x.Amount).First());
else SeriesCollection[1].Values.Add(0);
if (ran == "3rd")
if (result.Exists(x => x.Dates == day && x.Rank == ran) == true)
SeriesCollection[2].Values.Add(result.Where(w => w.Dates == day && w.Rank == ran).Select(x => x.Amount).First());
else SeriesCollection[2].Values.Add(0);