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Jenkis CLI does not work: WARNING: No header 'X-SSH-Endpoint' returned by Jenkins

I have Jenkins ver. 2.205 in Windows 10 and I have the following situation

  • Configure Global Security has Enable security checked.
  • I created the id_rsa_jenkins and keys. The value of the public key was added to Jenkins for my account in SSH Public Keys.
  • I have the jenkins-cli.jar file, downloaded from http://localhost:9090/cli/


When I execute the following (split in multiple lines for presentation purposes):

java -jar jenkins-cli.jar 
          -s http://localhost:9090/ 
          -i C:\Users\windowsusername/.ssh/id_rsa_jenkins 
          -user jenkinsusername 


Enter passphrase for C:\Users\windowsusername\.ssh\id_rsa_jenkins:


I write the valid passphrase and then appears the following:

Nov 23, 2019 11:28:22 AM getOrCreateProvider
INFO: getOrCreateProvider(EdDSA) created instance of net.i2p.crypto.eddsa.EdDSASecurityProvider
Nov 23, 2019 11:28:22 AM hudson.cli.SSHCLI sshConnection
WARNING: No header 'X-SSH-Endpoint' returned by Jenkins

As shown above, does not appear the expected data

It happens for any Jenkins CLI command, such as:

  • help
  • who-am-i
  • list-jobs


What is missing or wrong?


  • For the audience:

    The instructions provided in the original post are mandatory. But the following instructions are mandatory too:

    • Have installed the SSH plugin
    • In Configure Global Security, in the SSH Server section (in the bottom), proceed to enable it, in this case I use the Fixed value option.

    Note seems the random option is only useful for the jenkins-cli.jar case. It because through the SSH connection (i.e: ssh -l jenkinsusername -p 2020 localhost list-jobs) is mandatory know the port, in this case 2020.

    Therefore Fixed or Random is viable for jenkins-cli.jar (it does not ask for use a port number) but for SSH connection is mandatory know the port number (here Fixed is need it)

    Furthemore in Jenkins SSH indicates:

    By default, Jenkins will listen on a random available port, so as not to break 
    existing deployments. But this is most likely not very useful, so the administrator 
    is encouraged to change this from the global security configuration page by assigning 
    a fixed port. This configuration UI will also allow you to disable this feature. 

    Was very valuable this video: