I'm having an issue where I can't walk up slopes in unity. My art is pixel so I understand the slope is made with a gap of 1 pixel to create the actual slope, but I have no idea how to fix it so I can just walk up and down them normally. Currently, going down them makes it a little bouncy and going up them is impossible unless you jump. Any help would be appreciated! Here is what the slope looks like: Edit: Collider looks like this but I don't know how to fix it:
Sprites automatically have a polygon collider created for them when imported into the project. This polygon collider drives the tilemap polygon collider shapes.
You can modify the physics shape for a sprite to smooth it out and remove this unwanted when going up a ramp. Custom Physics Shape documentation
Another important thing to note in your specific problem: Often when a character has a "box-like" shape, they will get snagged on edges and small collider deviations. Unless your game's playstyle is based around a box-shaped entity and interactions, it's usually recommended to use a rounded collider for the moving characters (like a 2d or 3d capsule collider).