I'm trying to troubleshoot why I'm getting a "Page Not Found" / 404 page(?) in my application.
I have a router set up as follows:
<Route exact path="/cafes" component={ListView} />
<Route component={NotFound} />
If I use the <Search>
component, it will call the results route via this code:
pathname: `/cafes/results/${searchAddress}`,
and that <Results>
page component will successfully display search results. It will have a URL like: http://myurl.com/cafes/results/Los%20Angeles%2C%20CA%2C%20USA
However, if I refresh the page, I get a page not found.
The <NotFound>
component, from my understanding, should catch any routes that don't match the ones above it, but that's not happening.
It is a react app running within a Wordpress setup for which any URL starting with cafes
should be suppressed from Wordpress's setup (though I don't know much about that bit, I didn't set it up). Is it possible that the issue is related to Wordpress, or have I messed something up within my react-router setup?
It's not a client-side (React or whatever) issue. A proof of this is the fact that all works while you stay on client (so: calling .push
API) but as soon as you reload you go the the server.
You must configure your front web server to always publish your page for every location under /cafes
This is commonly done by using an Apache/NGINX configuration.
An NGINX example could be:
location / {
root /path/to/your/build/directory
try_files $uri $uri/ /index.html =404;
I'm not sure is Wordpress can do this for you (but I'm not sure that's would be a good idea anyway)